Construction of Brabham Neighbourhood Park and Pavilion

Tender name Construction of Brabham Neighbourhood Park and Pavilion
Tender number RFT20SM17
Advertisement proof RFT20SM17-Advert-Proof-6-6-20-docx.pdf
Advertisement date June 6, 2020
Closing date July 8, 2020, 12:00 AM
Status Awarded
Submissions received

BE Projects (WA) Pty Ltd

Bistel Construction Pty Ltd 

Castle Projects 

Consortium Builders Pty Ltd T/A Serneke

DB Cunningham Pty Ltd T/A Advanteering Civil Engineers 

Devlyn Construction 

Environmental Industries Pty Ltd

Geared Construction Pty Ltd

LKS Constructions WA Pty Ltd

McCorkell Constructions WA Pty Ltd 

MG Group

Pindan Projects Pty Ltd

Shelford Constructions Pty Ltd

Universal Constructions Pty Ltd

Opened in the presence of

Jason Cleasby, Contract Management Analyst and Tom Carmichael, Contracts and Procurement Officer

Bid items Lump Sum
Authorised by Tender Review Committee
Authorisation date August 19, 2020
Recommendation or minutes of OCM/TRC Public-Minutes-TRC190820.pdf

Awarded: Universal Constructions Pty Ltd

Price consideration (ex GST) The Contract Value is $3,356,000.00 plus the estimated value of $54,000.00 for Provisional Sum
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