Start your business

Starting a business? You've come to the right place!

We have sourced useful small business information, support services and resources available from local, state and federal government agencies and key government funded organisations, to help you find the information you need.

The following information, resources and checklists will give your new business the best possible start.

You can also access The Business Licence Finder to discover the licences, permits and registrations you need to start, run and grow your business.

Permits and approvals

How to start a business

Pre-planning and a step-by-step approach will help you to confidently set up a new business.
The first thing to consider is if you are ready to take on the significant personal and financial commitment needed to start and run a new business. Ask yourself:

  • Am I ready for the changes and challenges ahead?
  • What are the economic realities? Is it the right time to launch?
  • Have I undertaken enough market research to ensure my ideas are viable?
  • Do I have a prepared business plan to help me secure funding?

Check out the SBDC’s Business Plan template and Guide to Writing a Business Plan 

The list below allows you to access a great deal of data sources that can help you understand the market and your business idea viability:

Before starting a business, you should consider the advantages and disadvantages of each type of business structure and decide which best suits your needs.

Visit the Small Business Development Corporation and the Australian Taxation Office websites for guidance on choosing your business structure.

An essential element for business success is deciding on the type of premises and the right location to operate your business. While market research can help support you in making this decision, there are also planning laws and zoning restrictions which you will need to comply with.

If you are thinking about setting up a home-based business in Swan, you may need approval from the City, depending on the type of home-based business you intend to operate and the nature of your business. Planning approval is generally not required to operate a home office or home occupation, depending on your zone. The best thing to do is contact us to discuss. 

Depending on your business type, activities and location, you may also need licences, permits and registrations to start and run your business. 

Health, planning and building approvals are required for a wide range of business activities in the City of Swan. Access all the application forms on the business licences, permits and approvals page.

A good Marketing Plan will help you answer key questions about your business, act as a reference document to help execute your marketing strategy and develop a structured approach to creating services and products that satisfy your customers' needs.

Use the SBDC’s Marketing Plan template and guide to help set realistic and measurable objectives, includes budgets and action plans, and allocate responsibilities.

The Australian Government Business website also provides a clear, step-by-step process on how to write a Marketing Plan.

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