View relevant legislation, codes, schemes and policies for the City of Swan.
Codes, legislation, schemes
- Swan Valley Planning Act 2020(open in new window)
- The Building Act 2011(open in new window)
- The Regulations 2012(open in new window)
- Building Services (Registration) Act 2011(open in new window)
- Building Services (Registration) Regulations 2011(open in new window)
- Building Services (Complaint Resolution and Administration) Act 2011(open in new window)
- Building Services (Complaint Resolution and Administration) Regulations 2011(open in new window)
- Building Services Levy Act 2011(open in new window)
- Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015(open in new window)
- Local Planning Scheme No. 17(open in new window)
- Part 1: Preliminary
- Part 2: Local planning policy framework
- Part 3: Reserves
- Part 4: Zones and the use of land
- Part 4.3: Zoning table
- Part 5: General development requirements
- Part 5a: Development contribution areas
- Part 6: Special control areas
- Part 7: Heritage protection
- Part 8: Development of land
- Part 9: Applications for planning approval
- Part 10: Procedure for dealing with applications
- Part 11: Enforcement and administration
- Schedule 1: Dictionary of defines words and expression
- Schedule 2: Additional uses
- Schedule 3: Restricted uses
- Schedule 4: Special use zones
- Schedule 5: Exempted development
- Schedule 5a: Exempted advertisements
- Schedule 11: Special rural zones
- Schedule 12: Building site acceptability based on aircraft
- Schedule 13: Development contribution
- Schedule 14: Parking of commercials provision
- Schedule 15: Midland strategic regional centre
- Swan Valley Planning Framework(open in new window)
- Metronet East Redevelopment Scheme (Development WA)(open in new window)
Local planning policies
- Part A - Guildford / Mandoon Heritage Area Local Planning Policy(open in new window)
- Part B - Guildford / Mandoon Heritage Area Local Planning Policy(open in new window)
- POL-C-111 Local Planning Policy - Woodbridge Conservation Precinct(open in new window)
- POL-C-111- Local Planning Policy - Woodbridge Conservation Precincts - APPENDIX 1(open in new window)
- POL-C-111 - Local Planning Policy - Woodbridge Conservation Precincts - APPENDIX 2(open in new window)
- Local Commercial and Activity Centres Strategy(open in new window)
- Local Commercial and Activity Centres Strategy - Background Report(open in new window)
- Local Commercial and Activity Centres Strategy - Best Practice Policy Review of Key Issues(open in new window)
- Local Commercial and Activity Centres Strategy - Retail Needs Assessment Report(open in new window)
- POL-C-009 Grouped Dwellings in Rural Zones(open in new window)
- POL-C-058 Private Development within City Road Reserves(open in new window)
- POL-C-059 Telecommunication (Mobile Phone) Facilities(open in new window)
- POL-C-060 Rural Subdivision Revegetation(open in new window)
- POL-C-061 Filling of Land(open in new window)
- POL-C-066 Ancillary Accommodation(open in new window)
- POL-C-080 Building Envelopes(open in new window)
- POL-C-089 Dams(open in new window)
- POL-C-090 Keeping of Livestock(open in new window)
- POL-E13.11 Inclusion of Pedestrian Accessways in Residential Subdivisions(open in new window)
- POL-LP-1-10 Provision of Public Art(open in new window)
- POL-LP-1-12 Public Open Space and Community Buildings(open in new window)
- POL-LP-1.13 Design Review(open in new window)
- POL-LP-11 Variation to deemed-to-comply requirements of the R-Codes Medium Density Single House Development Standards(open in new window)
- POL-TP-124 Building and Development Standards - Industrial Zones(open in new window)
- POL-TP-125 Building and Development Standards - Commercial Zones(open in new window)
- POL-TP-126 Building and Development Standards - Rural Zones(open in new window)
- POL-TP-127 Building and Development Standards - Other Zones(open in new window)
- POL-C-070 Advertising Signs within Commercial and Industrial Zones(open in new window)
- POL-C-071 Advertising Signs within Rural Zones(open in new window)
- POL-C-101 Construction of Privately Funded Parking Areas within a Road Reserve(open in new window)
- POL-C-118 Swan Valley Permanent Signage(open in new window)
- POL-TP-129 Vehicle Parking Standards(open in new window)
- POL-C-040 Midland District Drainage Development Reserve Fund(open in new window)
- POL-C-062 Hazelmere Residential Areas Drainage Improvement(open in new window)
- POL-C-096 Guildford and South Guildford District Drainage(open in new window)
- POL-E9.2 Floodplain Management and Development(open in new window)
- POL-LP-1.15 Kangaroo Management(open in new window)