Run and grow your business

We have compiled a list of resources and useful tools from local, state and federal government agencies to help you find the right information you need to manage your business.

Fairwork Ombudsman’s Small Business Showcase provides resources to help you meet your workplace obligations.

WorkSafe WA oversees workplace health and safety in WA.

WA Codes of Practice outlines the standards required under work health and safety laws.
WorkCover WA oversees the worker’s compensation and injury management scheme.

Beyond Blue’s NewAccess Mental Health Program is a free mental health coaching program that supports small business owners.

Small Business Development Corporation – Marketing provides free advice, templates, training and promotional strategies. - Marketing and Advertising provides information and resources to help you sell or promote your product or service. – Digital Tools for Business provides digital tools and software to increase your productivity and reach a larger audience. provides free online tools, advice and resources to help small businesses manage their online presence and develop an online strategy. (The program is aimed to assist Tasmanian businesses, however the information is accessible to all Australian businesses).

Google Digital Garage is an online learning platform with free digital marketing, career development and data and tech courses.

Navii 30-Day Small Business Health Kick gives the Australian small business community a boost of motivation and direction for developing their digital capability and improving their online presence. – Grants and Programs Finder lists grants, funding and support programs across local, state and federal government.

GrantConnect provides a centralised publication of forecast and current Australian Federal Government grant opportunities and grants awarded. – Seeking Finance details different ways to fund your business including loans, grants and crowdfunding. – Financial Management gives practical advice to help you understand vital financial records and manage your cash flow. – Tenders and Contracts helps you understand where to find tenders and how to sell your products and services to government. – Tenders explains the tender process and how to submit tender responses. – Supplying to Government explains how to supply goods, services or works to the WA State Government. is the central online source of information of WA public sector tenders and awarded contracts.

AusTender provides centralised publication of Australian Government business opportunities, annual procurement plans and contracts awarded.

The Small Business Development Corporation's dispute resolution and mediation service can assist you if you are in dispute with another business or government organisation. – Importing explains what is involved in bringing goods or services into Australia. - Importing and Exporting provides information and advice for small businesses wanting to reach new markets. – Exporting outlines the benefits to exporting and where to find help when you begin to export.

Austrade’s Export Guide gives you the tools, processes and information to help get your business export ready.

Cyber Security and Your Business gives information on how to secure your technology and digital information from cyber-attacks.         

Cyber Security Assessment Tool helps you check your business is cyber safe and how to make it more secure.

ReportCyber is an online portal to report cybercrime to law enforcement agencies. - Innovation Discover explains how to develop an innovation strategy and the steps to develop a new product.

New Industries Fund - Useful Resources offers a compilation of resources for start-ups and small medium enterprises to connect with accelerators and incubators, co-working spaces, funding sources, hubs, training programs and more.

New industries Fund - Programs offer support that accelerates new and emerging businesses.

Aboriginal Economic Development builds local capacity and supports new businesses and jobs for Aboriginal people. connects Australian businesses to government information, grants, services and support.

Business Foundations offers incubator support, training courses and commercialisation services. 

Business One Stop Shop (BOSS) offers free and low-cost business advice, training and co-working space, private rentals and meeting room hire.

Business Station is a non-profit provider of low-cost advice, training, advisory and mentoring services and workshops to help build and develop sustainable businesses.

Fair Work Ombudsman provides free advice and information about workplace rights and obligations.

Indigenous Business Australia provides Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with access to workshops, advice and business support programs.

Indigenous Management Group provides Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses with low-cost advice and support.

Small Business Development Corporation provides free information, advice, workshops and guidance to help start, run and grow a successful business.

Tourism Council WA  is the peak body representing tourism businesses, industries and regions in Western Australia.

Networking with other business owners is vital for building strong professional connections. It helps to establish relationships, share information, explore opportunities and enhance your professional growth.  

Although online networking is gaining popularity, the value of attending in person events, conferences and workshops shouldn’t be overlooked as it can help you improve your communication skills. 

Preparing for networking is easy if you follow these steps:

  • Define your goals – do you want to find a job, build partnerships or gain insights
  • Craft a concise elevator pitch (five seconds) to effectively introduce yourself
  • Prepare talking points to make conversations engaging 
  • Carry business cards (physical or digital) to exchange contact information
  • Attend relevant professional events or join groups related to your industry. 

What to do at networking events:

  • Focus on building genuine relationships rather than just collecting contacts
  • Be patient and persistent – understand that results may not be immediate
  • Introduce yourself, engage in conversation and be respectful and attentive
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of your business and industry
  • Follow up with connections after the event to nurture relationships.

Expect to meet diverse professionals with unique experience and embrace the opportunity to learn from them and share your expertise. 

For assistance, contact the Business and Tourism Services team at

To learn about networking opportunities, get in touch with the Swan Chamber of Commerce at

Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman is an independent advocate for small business owners and provides access to dispute resolution services.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA represent3 more than 300,000 businesses of all sizes, across all industries, across all parts of the country.

Tourism Western Australia works with a range of partners across government and the tourism industry to help promote and grow tourism in WA.

WA Industry Link offers support to help businesses compete for state government contracts. 

Industry information factsheets.

Looking to rent an office space or a commercial kitchen? Find commercial leasing opportunities in Midland with MMJ Real Estate.

Before buying an established business check if you’re business ready, find the right business and do your research. Then value the business, conduct due diligence and make an offer!
This list of key business support agencies can help you through the process:

Franchising is another option to consider if you want to buy an established business. Franchising allows a business to operate under the name and brand of an existing business, and to sell their products and services.

To gain a better understanding about franchising, the process to become a franchisor or to start a business as a franchisee visit, – Franchising.

Deciding on when to sell or close your business can be difficult. The information provided by will help you consider if closing is the right decision and take you through the steps on how to compete your legal and tax obligations.

The Small Business Development Corporation also provides essential information to help you exit a business or franchise, and offers advisory services for succession planning.

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