Contaminated Material Remediation & Bulk Earthworks for the Lloyd St

Tender name Contaminated Material Remediation & Bulk Earthworks for the Lloyd St
Tender number RFT19DF41
Advertisement proof RFT19DF41-Advert-Proof-23-11-19.pdf
Advertisement date November 23, 2019
Closing date December 18, 2019, 12:00 AM
Status Awarded
Submissions received

Civcon Civil and Project Management Pty Ltd 

Liberty Industrial Pty Ltd

Raubex Construction Pty Ltd

Tracc Civil Pty Ltd 

Opened in the presence of

Ben Keevil, Contracts and Procurement Officer, and Tom Carmichael, Contracts & Procurement Officer

Bid items Lump Sum
Authorised by Tender Review Committee
Authorisation date January 22, 2020
Recommendation or minutes of OCM/TRC TRC-Minutes-220120-Public.pdf

Awarded: Tracc Civil Pty Ltd 

Price consideration (ex GST) The Contract Value is $1,145,183.48 plus the Provisional Sum of $93,254.70
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