Home support services for frail, aged & young people with disabilities

Tender name Home support services for frail, aged & young people with disabilities
Tender number RFT22GH13-SOR
Advertisement proof RFT22GH13-SOR-Advert-proof_26-02-2022.pdf
Advertisement date February 26, 2022
Closing date March 23, 2022, 2:00 PM
Status Awarded
Submissions received

Chanticleer Holdings Pty Ltd T/A TPG Care

Opened in the presence of

Tom Carmichael, Contracts and Procurement Officer, Sebastian Rosati, Contracts Specialist

Bid items Schedule of Rates
Authorised by Council
Authorisation date May 4, 2022
Recommendation or minutes of OCM/TRC Abridged-Minutes-040522-Confirmed.pdf

Awarded: Chanticleer Holdings Pty Ltd T/A TPG Care

Price consideration (ex GST) Anticipated contact value $1,077,410.25
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