Supply and delivery, and supply and application of turf care products

Tender name Supply and delivery, and supply and application of turf care products
Tender number RFT21KB39-SOR
Advertisement proof RFT21KB39-SOR-Advert-proof-29-5-21.pdf
Advertisement date May 29, 2021
Closing date June 16, 2021, 12:00 AM
Status Awarded
Submissions received


AKC Pty Ltd T/A Bailey Fertilisers

Amgrow Australia Pty Ltd T/A Nuturf

Greenway Turf Solutions Pty Ltd

Jerra Nominees Pty Ltd and NB Norrish Pty Ltd T/A State Wide Turf Services


AKC Pty Ltd T/A Bailey Fertilisers

Jerra Nominees Pty Ltd and NB Norrish Pty Ltd T/A State Wide Turf Services

Turfcare WA Pty Ltd

Sanpoint Pty Ltd T/A LD Total 

Opened in the presence of

Revender Sarai, Contracts and Procurement Officer, and Jason Cleasby, Contract Management Analyst

Bid items Schedule of Rates
Authorised by Tender Review Committee
Authorisation date September 29, 2021
Recommendation or minutes of OCM/TRC Public-Minutes-Tender-Review-Meeting.pdf

Awarded: AKC Pty Ltd T/A Bailey Fertilisers

AKC Pty Ltd T/A Bailey Fertilisers

Price consideration (ex GST) The anticipated Contract value is $332,500.00 and $784,117.20, respectively.
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