Supply of Material Testing and Analysis Reporting

Tender name Supply of Material Testing and Analysis Reporting
Tender number RFT21ED12-SOR
Advertisement proof RFT21ED12-SOR-Advert-Proof-27-2-21.pdf
Advertisement date February 27, 2021
Closing date March 17, 2021, 12:00 AM
Status Awarded
Submissions received

No submissions received 

Opened in the presence of

Revender Sarai, Contracts and Procurement Officer, and Megan Callus, Acting Contracts and Procurement Manager

Bid items N/A
Authorised by City
Authorisation date March 18, 2021
Recommendation or minutes of OCM/TRC RFT21ED12-SOR-Recommendation.pdf

To be re-tendered

Price consideration (ex GST) N/A
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