Telecom Mast Infrastructure at Bullsbrook Waste Transfer Station

Tender name Telecom Mast Infrastructure at Bullsbrook Waste Transfer Station
Tender number RFT20JB09
Advertisement proof RFT20JB09-Advert-Proof-21-03-20.pdf
Advertisement date March 21, 2020
Closing date April 22, 2020, 12:00 AM
Status Awarded
Submissions received

ATI Australia Pty Ltd

Future Engineering & Communication Pty Ltd

Metrowest Electrical & Communications Pty Ltd

Westcom Group Pty Ltd

Opened in the presence of

Klara Vincent, A/Procurement Planning Specialist

Bid items Lump Sum
Authorised by City
Authorisation date June 16, 2020
Recommendation or minutes of OCM/TRC RFT20JB09-Recommendation.pdf

Awarded: Metrowest Electrical & Communications Pty Ltd

Price consideration (ex GST) The Contract Value is $310,055.00
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