Gross Rental Value (GRV) calculator
Your rates are divided and shared fairly across all rateable properties across the City of Swan. Rates help us to deliver essential services and projects that will sustain our community for many years to come.
Local Government Rates are levied annually on all rateable properties based on the “basis of valuation” applied to the property:
Calculation results
Residential | $0.00 |
Commercial/Industrial | $0.00 |
Heavy industry | $0.00 |
Unimproved Value areas (UV) calculator
Your rates are divided and shared fairly across all rateable properties across the City of Swan. Rates help us to deliver essential services and projects that will sustain our community for many years to come.
Local Government Rates are levied annually on all rateable properties based on the “basis of valuation” applied to the property:
Calculation results
UV General | $0.00 |
UV Commercial | $0.00 |
Farmland | $0.00 |