Grounds maintenance and turf wicket preparation at Lilac Hill Reserve

Tender name Grounds maintenance and turf wicket preparation at Lilac Hill Reserve
Tender number RFT23NDB32
Advertisement proof RFT23NDB32-Advert-proof-29_04_2023.pdf
Advertisement date April 29, 2023
Closing date May 24, 2023, 2:00 PM
Status Awarded
Submissions received

Environmental Industries Pty Ltd 

Green Options Pty Ltd

Total Pitch Care Pty Ltd

Turf Care WA Pty Ltd 

Opened in the presence of

Klara Vincent, Contracts and Procurement Officer, and Kevin Law, Contracts and Procurement Officer

Bid items Lump Sum - Price Schedule A. Schedule of Rates - Price Schedule B, C and D
Authorised by The City
Authorisation date June 29, 2023
Recommendation or minutes of OCM/TRC RFT23NDB32-Recommendation.pdf

Awarded: Total Pitch Care Pty Ltd

Price consideration (ex GST) Anticipated contract value $1,486,380.00
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