Terms and Conditions

There are several ways electors may interact with the City of Swan (the City). Some of these include: 

  • Deputations - A deputation is your opportunity to make a statement to Council on any item on a Council meeting agenda. Deputations will be received at agenda forums.
  • Public question time at Council meetings - Public question time at Council meetings is your opportunity to ask questions relating to any matter on the Council meeting agenda or any other matter relating the City. 
  • Public statement time - Public statement time is your opportunity to make a statement to Council about any general matter affecting the City. Public statement time is conducted at Council meetings.

View our Disclaimer page for more information on public participation at meetings. 

Another option is to submit a Petition or ePetitions. 

A Petition or ePetitions is a request for action that is used to inform the Council about the views of sections of the community. Any elector or group of electors may petition the Council to take some form of action over a particular issue.

The City has a number of requirements for Petition or ePetitions to ensure their authenticity.

If you wish to draw up a Petition, read the Petition Information Sheet to understand the City's process for Petitions. You can also download a Form Exemplar to use for your Petition.

Alternatively, an ePetition may be made by electors of the City.  To initiate an ePetition, electors must agree to the following terms and conditions.

I understand that my ePetitions must:

  • Be about a matter on which Council has the power to act;
  • Be addressed to the Mayor, a Councillor or the CEO;
  • Be made by electors of the City;
  • Be respectful and temperate in its language and not contain language that is disrespectful; 
  • Be written in the English language, or if in another language, be accompanied by an English translation which has been certified by a qualified translator as a true and correct translation of the ePetition;
  • Not promote anything that may constitute spam, such as commercial interests, solicitations, advertisements, or endorsements of any non-governmental agency;
  • Not contain external links; and
  • Protect personal privacy by not including email addresses, phone numbers or home addresses.

Signing a petition

By participating in a petition, you accept the following statements to be true:

  1. You are an elector of the City of Swan.
  2. You have a legitimate interest in the matter being raised.
  3. You have not previously recorded your support to this ePetition.
  4. You are representing personal interests.
  5. You have entered your correct details. You accept that it is fraudulent to represent yourself as someone else, whether that be a real or imaginary person.
  6. Only valid, full addresses located within the City of Swan’s boundaries will be accepted.
  7. Lead petitioners agree that their contact details will be provided to relevant City of Swan employees for the purpose of being contacted in relation to matters or projects concerning their ePetition.

The ePetition and your decision to support the issue will form part of a document that Council receives. You should note:

  1. The document is likely to become a public record.
  2. Your ePetitions support will be specifically identified in the document.
  3. On this website, it is not possible to participate in a ePetition as an anonymous person.

For ePetition purposes, your personal details are provided to Council. Your personal details will not be shared with any third parties or used for any purposes other than those stated.

By supporting the ePetition, your initials and suburb will be visible on the City’s website alongside the ePetition details.

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