Financial advocacy priorities

The City’s Financial Advocacy Priorities 2023-2025 list identifies the key social and infrastructure projects in our community that may be funding opportunities for the State and/or Federal Government.

Determined by identifying projects on our capital works program, combined with understanding community demand, the list guides our strategic and proactive approach to advocacy. 

We can and will pursue grant funding for projects outside the Financial Advocacy Priorities list as opportunities arise. 

Council endorsed the list of 70 projects in the 2023-2025 Financial Advocacy Priorities list at a Special Council Meeting on Monday, April 29, 2024.

Here are the Financial Advocacy Priorities 2023-2025 by ward:

Altone Pavilion change room upgrades Upgrading/extending existing change rooms to accommodate female sports, improving functionality and aesthetic appeal
Rosher Park Oval playground relocation Renewing the playground at Rosher Park Oval and relocating closer to the pavilion
Altone Skate Park upgrade Upgrading the Altone Skate Park and BMX to provide a fit for purpose community facility
Old Marshall Rd shared path Constructing a 3m wide red asphalt shared path through old Marshall Road reserve, providing a strategic link to Tonkin Highway and aligning with the City’s Cycle Strategy
Weddall Road, Hagart Way and Germain Way tree planting Planting 129 trees
Orchid Park water fountain Installing a new water fountain with dog bowl
Figtree Park water fountain Installing a new water fountain with dog bowl
Brabham Community Centre Constructing a district community centre in Brabham to meet the future needs of youth, families and children, and older people in the region
St Lawrence Park BBQ Installing a new BBQ
Micro Gardens shade sails Installing new shade sails over main playspace
Lockridge Family Centre playground replacement Replacing existing playground equipment
Forrest Park playground replacement Replacing existing playground equipment
Benara Road tree planting Planting 40 trees
Bluegum Park water fountain Installing a new water fountain with dog bowl
Morley Drive East tree planting Planting 52 trees
Seine Park shade sails Installing new shade sails over main playspace
Fairywren Park playground replacement Replacing the playground at Fairywren Park
Marshall Road duplication Anticipating the required duplication of Marshall Road from Tonkin Highway to Drumpellier Drive as a major strategic priority for the region, with the State Government driving transport and land use changes north of Marshall Road. The City is working on the design and it is anticipated construction would take five years after obtaining funding  

Ray Marshall Oval dog park Establishing a formalised dog exercise area
Midland Sporting Complex playground renewal Replacing existing playground equipment
Midland Sports Complex playground shade sails Installing new shade sails over main playspace
Corti Park playground renewal Replacing existing playground equipment
Kingsmeadow Oval playground renewal Replacing existing playground equipment
Dulcie Liddelow Netball sportlighting Upgrading existing sport lighting to LED and 100 lux match standard lighting, improving clubs’ ability to schedule night matches, along with improving the City's environmental footprint
Lockhart Park shade sails Installing new shade sails over main play space
Lloyd Street tree planting Planting 19 trees
Koolbardie Park playground renewal Replacing existing playground equipment
Swan River Regional Park playground renewal Replacing existing playground equipment
Morrison Road tree planting Planting 347 trees
North Swan Park Baseball sportlighting Upgrading existing sport lighting to LED, improving the clubs’ ability to schedule night matches, along with improving the City's environmental footprint
North Swan tennis court sportlighting Upgrading existing sport lighting to LED, improving the clubs’ ability to schedule night matches, along with improving the City's environmental footprint 
North Swan football oval sportlighting Upgrading existing sport lighting to LED and 100 lux match standard lighting, improving the clubs’ ability to schedule night matches, along with improving the City's environmental footprint
Midland Bowling Club lawn upgrade Replacing the grass green with a synthetic pitch to enable year-round usage and water saving efficiencies with Midland Bowling Synthetic Green "B"- Design
Garrick Theatre heritage refurbishments Conserving and upgrading the heritage building Garrick Theatre to ensure the facility is fit for purpose
Ferguson Pavilion changeroom upgrade Upgrading changerooms to accommodate female participation
Viveash Park playground renewal Replacing existing playground equipment
Swan View Oval playground renewal Replacing existing playground equipment
Queens Road Arboretum playground renewal Replacing existing playground equipment
Hazelmere Hall community art mural Installing a public art mural on the outside of Hazelmere Hall
Queens Road/West Parade intersection upgrade Rehabilitating this intersection
South Guildford BMX Track Locating a new BMX track
Basketball court – Vellgrove Reserve Constructing a new half basketball court


Bullsbrook Sports Club renovations Upgrading and renewal works of function area, bar and kitchen, including all air-conditioning
Forestview Park South playground replacement Replacing existing playground equipment
Bullsbrook Mens Shed Investigating opportunities for this project
Bullsbrook Skate/Cycle Track Constructing a new skate and cycle park
Aviary Creek (Hollingsworth Park) lighting installation Installing new lighting around eastern lake
Aveley Central Park dog equipment Installing new dog equipment
Egerton Drive tree planting Planting 11 trees
Musselbrook Park water fountain Installing a new water fountain with dog bowl
West Road/Railway Parade water fountain Installing a new water fountain with dog bowl
Westgrove Drive/Henley Brook Ave pedestrian shared path Constructing a new shared path

Westgrove Drive/Henley Brook Ave pedestrian shared path

Constructing a new shared path
Forestview Park North playground installation Installing exercise equipment
Woodlake Sports Ground pavilion Constructing a pavilion to provide a consistent level of service to established Clubs and enhance use of the community facility 
Ellenbrook DOS North Pavilion refurbishment Developing concepts to support the high level of activity at the facility, redeveloping the pavilion 

Caloria Chase netball half-court Installing new netball half-court
Bells Rapids Footbridge refurbishment Refurbishing the Bells Rapid footbridge to connect walking trails, provide fire access and to allow viewing at the annual Avon Descent event
Chardonnay Drive footpath Constructing a footpath along Chardonnay Drive between Vines Avenue to Hermitage Drive, implementing actions to improve safety from the 2019 Local Area Traffic Management study 
The Vines traffic safety (Hermitage Drive and Ellenbrook Drive) Constructing a median island on the intersection of Hermitage Drive and Ellenbrook Drive, implementing actions from the 2019 Local Area Traffic Management study 
Brigadoon Park playground shade sails Installing new shade sails over main playspace
Noble Falls playground replacement Replacing existing playground equipment
Gidgegannup Men’s Shed Investigating a proposed new building for the Gidgegannup Men's Shed 
Bells Rapids picnic area renewal Upgrading/renewing existing infrastructure within Bells Rapids
Gidgegannup Showgrounds pavilion Investigating a newly constructed equestrian pavilion as outlined in the Gidgegannup Showground masterplan

Ballajura Intergenerational Playspace Creating an all abilities playspace – a public playground designed to cater for all ages and a variety of physical capabilities, encouraging social participation, discovery and access to nature
Malaga Drive/Mulgul Road traffic improvement Proposing upgrades to improve traffic safety at the intersection
Ballajura Oval exercise equipment Installing new outdoor exercise equipment
Marshall Road tree planting Planting 288 trees
Victoria Road shared path construction Constructing a 3m wide red asphalt shared path as part of the Malaga LAP 2019
Ballajura Oval Park lighting renewal Installing new park lighting around the oval
Victoria Road tree planting Planting 106 trees
Camboon Road tree planting Planting 50 trees
Mulgul Road tree planting Planting 137 trees
South Ballajura Community Centre refurbishment Upgrading and renewal works to refurbish the facility 


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