The City of Swan is honoured to welcome hundreds of new Australians to the community every year at citizenship ceremonies.
At these ceremonies, attendees take their final step on the journey to Australian citizenship by making the pledge of commitment.
It is cause for celebration for the new citizens and the City, where growth and diversity are welcomed.
For more information on citizenship ceremonies and the citizenship process, visit the Department of Home Affairs(open in new window).
You can also contact the department on 13 18 80 or
The City hosts monthly citizenship ceremonies, usually on a Tuesday evening.
It also hosts a larger ceremony on January 26.
The date of your ceremony is determined by the Department of Home Affairs. You should receive about one month’s notice before the event.
Recipients must attend a ceremony within the boundaries of the local government they live in.
Ceremonies typically involve an Acknowledgment of Country, an address from a City representative and the playing of the Australian national anthem.
You will become an Australian citizen after make the pledge of commitment.
The City’s monthly ceremonies run for about one hour, including photos.
Recipients aged 16 and over must bring photo identification such as a passport or driver’s licence.
Recipients should also bring their invitation to the ceremony.
Smart casual or formal clothing. Cultural dress would also be appropriate.
It is a day of great pride for many people at the ceremony.
Children aged under 16 are encouraged to attend, but not legally required to do so.
There will be seating available for children.
Recipients can bring their children and one adult guest.
Yes, you can take photographs at the ceremony.
Please note, however, that the City provides a professional photographer free of charge.
You will be emailed your professional citizenship ceremony photo a week after the ceremony.
If you want to become an Australian citizen, visit the Department of Home Affairs(open in new window).