Public participation

Participation at Meetings

Members of the public are welcome to attend Agenda Forums, Council meetings and Annual Meeting of Electors. Matters of a confidential nature are considered and resolved behind closed doors and therefore closed to the public gallery.

The following information sheets will help you understand the process that takes place during the meetings and what you need to do if you wish to have your say. 

  • Quick guide - Answers to frequently asked questions about the process of Council meetings
  • Deputations(open in new window) - A deputation is your opportunity to make a statement to Council on any item on a Council meeting agenda. Deputations will be received at agenda forums.
  • Public question time at Council meetings(open in new window) - Public question time at Council meetings is your opportunity to ask questions relating to any matter on the Council meeting agenda or any other matter relating the City. 
  • Public statement time(open in new window) - Public statement time is your opportunity to make a statement to Council about any general matter affecting the City. Public statement time is conducted at Council meetings.

View our Disclaimer page for more information on public participation at meetings. 


A petition is a request for action that is used to inform the Council about the views of sections of the community. Any elector or group of electors may petition the Council to take some form of action over a particular issue.

The City has a number of requirements for petitions to ensure their authenticity.

If you wish to draw up a petition, read the Petition Information Sheet(open in new window) to understand the City's process for petitions. You can also download a Form Exemplar(open in new window) to use for your petition.

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