Bells Rapids

Bells Rapids

A walk bridge spanning the Swan River over the white water rapids make this an exciting viewing spot during the Avon Descent. Perfect for a picnic and bushwalk or that special day out.

There are two unique Bell's Rapid circuit walk trails - the 2.5km River walk and the 3km Goat walk. The site is noted for providing fantastic vantage points for the annual Avon Descent. Walkers can enjoy scenic views of Bells Rapids, the countryside and coastal plains, with beautiful grey kangaroos at certain times of the year.

Flora and fauna highlights include: 

  • dominant trees – Wandoo, Flooded gums, Swamp Paperbark, Swamp Sheoak
  • wildflower – Acacia, Borya, Daviesia, Hibbertia, Grevillea, Melaleuca, Xanthorrhoea (grass tree) 
  • bird – black cockatoos, ring-neck parrots (“28”), honeyeaters, silvereyes, robins, ravens, willy wagtails and grey fantails, wood swallows
  • mammals – kangaroos, bandicoots, quendas, bats
  • other fauna – geckos, frogs, snakes.

Bells Rapids walk trail. 

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