Social plans and strategies

We focus on ensuring our growing and diverse communities are inclusive, connected and have a sense of belonging. We’re doing this by promoting cross-cultural education, providing welcoming spaces and delivering services and programs for those who may be vulnerable to exclusion.

We ensure our communities are healthy and safe by supporting mental health, reducing social isolation and reducing crime. Through increased engagement and education, we can further build on the current connections ensuring a safe and healthy community.

Aboriginal men dance in traditional outfits

Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)

The RAP confirms our ongoing commitment to working collaboratively with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. It outlines our vision for reconciliation and details 17 key actions designed to help our community understand our vision.

Elderly residents enjoying a day out

Access and Inclusion Plan (AIP)

The AIP was developed to provide for universal access and to better support community members and groups, particularly people with disability, seniors and older people, people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities (CaLD), people who identify as LGBTQIA+ as well as children and young people.

Two Community Safety Rangers with their vehicle

Community Health and Wellbeing Plan

Outlines actions under the three core themes: healthy community, life factors and prevention and protection. We will implement to drive improvement in community health and wellbeing.


  • Social Strategy is currently under development, with adoption anticipated for late 2024  
  • Community Safety Plan is currently under review, with adoption anticipated for mid-2024 
  • Youth Plan is currently under review, with adoption anticipated for 2025 
  • RAP is due for review and update in 2024/25 
  • Arts and Culture Plan is currently under development. 
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