Local development plan

A Local Development Plan (LDP) guides the design and development of small and constrained lots. 

How do I create a Local Development Plan?

Local Development Plan (LDPs) should only be prepared in the following instances:

  • lots with an area less than 260m2
  • lots that are irregularly configured
  • lots where specific vehicle access and egress control is required
  • lots abutting public open space
  • local and neighbourhood centres
  • lots that have been identified to accommodate a future change of use
  • lots with particular site constraints (e.g. steeply sloping land)
  • to address noise buffer and amelioration requirements. 

Any other variations to the R-Codes require the Western Australian Planning Commission’s approval as per cl. 7.3.2 of the R-Codes.

R-Codes Elements DTC Provisions that may be varied

cl 5.2.1 Street Setbacks
cl 5.13 C3.2-3.3 Lot boundary setbacks
cl 5.1.6 Building Heigh

Streetscape cl 5.2.1 setback of garage and carport
cl 5.2.2 garage width
cl 5.2.3 street surveillance
cl 5.2.4 street walls and fences
cl 5.2.5 sight lines
cl 5.2.6 appearance of retained dwelling
cl 5.2.7 site works
Building design cl 5.4.3 outbuildings
cl 5.4.4 external fixtures 
Special purpose dwellings cl 5.4.3 outbuildings
cl 5.4.4 external fixtures 


There is no application form for Local Development Plans. Instead, please submit a covering letter that justifies why the LDP is required and what R-Code provisions it seeks to vary.

Submit your cover letter either:

  • via email to swan@swan.wa.gov.au
  • in person or post to City of Swan Administration, 2 Midland Square, Midland, 6056.

We will send you an invoice once we receive your application. View our schedule of fees.(open in new window)

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