Residential heritage rate concession eligibility

Objectives of the Concession

  • To assist the owners of residential heritage places to continue the active use of those places and facilitate their maintenance in a way that is compatible with their heritage values
  • Acknowledge the economic and social value of residential heritage properties to the City of Swan
  • The City may provide an annual concession on the general residential rates to encourage and support owners to maintain their building. Please note no concession will be applied to the annual emergency services levy, drainage levy or any other service charge for the property
  • The concession will be 50% of the general residential rate levied
  • The value of the concession will be reduced by an amount equivalent to any other rate concessions for which the owner of the property is eligible (seniors, pensioners and any other concession)
  • The concession will need to be applied for on an annual basis.


  • The property must be rated residential and the applicant must be a registered ratepayer
  • The property must be within the City of Swan boundary and be listed on the City's Heritage List
  • Applicants must provide evidence of full value of building insurance for each year an application is submitted
  • Applicants must provide evidence of a current pest control certificate for each year an application is submitted
  • Applicant must sign a Statutory Declaration attached to the application form
  • The Residential Heritage Concession is subject to Annual Council Budget approval
  • A completed application form and the necessary accompanying documentation should be forwarded to the City of Swan clearly titled 'Application for Residential Heritage Rate Concession' either by email to or post to 'Attention Rates Department, PO Box 196 Midland WA 6936.'


The Heritage Rate Concession will not be provided if:

  • The owner is bound by the Heritage Agreement where the agreement commits the owner to ongoing care and maintenance of the heritage building and this is not adhered to
  • Incorrect documentation is supplied
  • There is an outstanding rate debt to the City on the property
  • The City of Swan decides to cancel the Residential Heritage Rate Concession.

Cancellation of the Heritage Rate Concession

  • The concession will cease if a debt to the Council on the property is overdue for payment
  • The agreement is nullified by the ratepayer through voluntary withdrawal
  • The City may cancel the concession if it determines that the property is not being suitably maintained
  • The City may cancel the concession if it determines that the property is not covered for full value building insurance
  • The City can at any time cancel the Heritage Rate Concession
  • The property is no longer on the City's Heritage List register.
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