Spotted something in our community needing attention? Report it! We can help with potholes, broken footpaths, fallen branches, graffiti, new or additional bins, replacing broken bins and more.
You can also use the Snap Send Solve smartphone app(open in new window) to report a range of issues.
If the issue is urgent or creating an immediate safety hazard, contact the City of Swan on (08) 9267 9267.
Want to provide customer feedback?
Request a new bin or replacement
If your bin is missing or is too damaged to hold any waste, contact us via telephone to request an urgent replacement
Verge collections
Book a bulk waste verge collection
Illegal dumping
Includes dumped rubbish or if you've witnessed someone illegally dumping rubbish.
For graffiti containing obscene language or symbols, contact (08) 9267 9267.
Streets and footpaths
Report road issues (such as cracks and potholes), footpath issues or request the sweeping of a path or road.
Stormwater drains
Report drain blockages, overgrowth, flooding or other damage.
Reticulation issues
Report reticulation issues.
Report broken, damaged or missing signs.
The Lodgement service enables a registered user to submit building applications online and track its progress 24/7.
The tracking service aims to provide residents, applicants and contractors with up-to-date information on the progress of planning and building applications within the City.
Depending on the company who owns the trolley (eg: Woolworths, Coles, IGA, etc), there are a few ways to report abandoned trolleys.
Snap Send Solve
Aldi, Big W, Bunnings, Coles, Dan Murphy, Kmart, Officeworks, Target and Woolworths trolleys can be reported via Snap Send Solve:
- App for iPhones
- App for Android
- The Snap Send Solve website
Trolley Tracker
Woolworths, Big W and Dan Murphy’s trolleys can be reported via Trolley Tracker:
- Phone: 1800 641 497
- App for iPhones
- App for Android
- The Trolley Tracker website
IGA Midland
9274 1067
Spud Shed Ellenbrook & Midland
6424 7845
Gilberts Midland
9250 5222
General enquiries
For all general enquiries, please contact us.
Compliments, feedback and complaints
We treat customer feedback seriously and continue to use customer feedback to improve our products and services. Please email our feedback team to provide acompliment, complaint or feedback.