Ellenbrook Community Hub

The City of Swan, with support from the State and Federal governments, is planning to deliver a new Community Hub in Ellenbrook.

The Ellenbrook Community Hub (ECH) is a community-driven initiative. Community groups in the Ellenbrook area have lobbied for a purpose-built facility to operate to deliver social inclusion and community wellbeing programmes.

The ECH will feature function spaces and meeting rooms, a workshop, arts and crafts studio, external breakout spaces, car parking, bus and truck delivery access, and external activity spaces.

The Hub will be a shared use building for community groups and organisations, where complimentary programs and activities will enable a thriving and activated space for all.

Project status

With community consultation now complete, architects are advancing the Ellenbrook Community Hub design to the development stage. We are preparing for the tendering of the remaining design and construction works.

Project timeline

Community consultation

Completed September 2023

Community information session

Completed June 2024

Planning and design

In progress

Sod turning

November 2024

Construction starts

January 2025

Construction finishes

November 2025

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