Latest update
Following gazettal of Scheme Amendment 127 which defines the building setbacks and height (among other things), Council resolved to:
- Increase the Emu Swamp buffer
- Increase the road reserve to protect the trees, footpath and entry statements.
An application was made to the WA Planning Commission to change the land shape. The proposed lot layout can be viewed here. Conditional approval has been received, and we are waiting for Western Power to provide their headworks cost. Once received the City will need to conduct a sewer and water mains extension to the site.
An expression of interest (EOI) campaign, conducted by Knight Frank, closed on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.
About the project
The City of Swan is invested in facilitating aged care services for our community, and an aged care precinct is planned for a site in Paradise Quays, Ballajura.
The Paradise Quays aged care development is an essential part of our strategy to ensure we have sufficient aged care facilities in the City. It will deliver important aged care and independent living infrastructure to meet our community’s growing needs.
Our City is a place for everyone, and our goal is to provide quality aged care for our diverse population of almost 150,000 people, of which 20 per cent are over the age of 55.
The City is working towards securing an additional 1,050 residential aged care places for our community, which will be needed by 2036 to keep up with demand. Other projects include the Elvire Street, Viveash aged care development.
Project scope
The development is intended to take place at Lot 501, Paradise Quays, Ballajura. Please see the map for a visual representation.
After hearing community feedback about the first masterplan, Council has initiated a Scheme Amendment to the current zoning, which defines clear built form requirements to guide future development. This includes minimum setbacks and building heights. Read the full scheme amendment report.
Council also resolved to create the 80m Emu Swamp buffer area as a separate lot to ensure it is retained.
The scheme amendment has now been gazetted.
The site is advertised as an aged care development opportunity.
The EOI period closes on Wednesday, May 29, 2024. All EOIs will be carefully considered by Council, and the preferred proponent will be required to submit a concept plan.
This aged care development is a long-term project and the City will keep you updated at major stages of the planning process.
Frequently asked questions
The City of Swan has an important role in facilitating the development of aged care facilities in our community in order to meet the increasing demand.
More than 20 per cent of the City's population is over the age of 55. By 2036, the region will need 918 extra aged care beds and 1,300 more retirement village units.
Projections show that Ballajura will see a population increase of 1,822 for residents aged 55 and over, and 737 additional residents aged 70 and over in the period 2011 – 2026.
For several years, the City has been facilitating the provision of an aged care facility in Paradise Quays, Ballajura after identifying the site and making it available for such a development.
This project will provide an invaluable aged care service for our community, which is facing a serious shortage of aged care facilities along with the wider Perth metropolitan area.
The site is intended to be sold for a residential aged care facility following an expression of interest process and careful review by Council. The development will be different to the previous master plans as it will be to the operator's requirements.
The proposed development design will be known once Council selects a new preferred proponent and concept plan. The buyer must submit a development application (DA) once the lot is sold. The community can comment on the proposed sale and any DA brought before Council.
This project is clearing its WA Planning Commission subdivision conditional approval, including power supply, sewer mains, and potable water extension.
The site has been advertised through an expression of interest campaign.
The City has started an expression of interest campaign through its selling agent, Knight Frank. The campaign closed on May 29, 2024.
A recommendation on the proposed buyer will be submitted to a Council meeting. The proposed buyer is then required to submit a concept plan. Council's resolution will be publicly advertised for comment as required by the Local Government Act (1995). Council will then consider public comments before deciding to sell the land to the proposed buyer.
The site has been advertised as an aged care development opportunity, with any expressions of interest to be carefully considered by Council. Before entering any sale and development agreement, this will be publicly advertised for comment. This will include a concept plan for the site.
Once a proponent has completed a sale and development agreement, they must submit a development application (DA). The DA process includes a public comment period. This will be publicly advertised and we welcome community members to provide feedback on the proponent's proposed design.
The City will not approve the DA but will provide its recommendation to the Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) which will decide on any submitted DA.
Any surplus funds received from the proposed will be held within a public open space reserve for the suburb of Ballajura. There have been no decisions made in relation to the allocation of any surplus funds at this stage.
The City of Swan’s Strategy for the Ageing Population provides the City and our communities with a vision for supporting our ageing population into the future.
The strategy is based on research and best practice guidelines for the City to build inclusive communities to promote high living standards for seniors, and overcome the challenges associated with an ageing population.
The Strategy for the Ageing Population received an award in 2016 for planning excellence, taking out the top gong in the 'Best Planning Ideas - Large Project' category of the Planning Institute of Australia (WA) 2016 Awards for Planning Excellence.