Subdivision is the division of one lot into two or more lots and/or the amalgamation of several lots in to one. If you plan to subdivide, you will need to complete a Subdivision Application.
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) assesses and determines applications for freehold and survey strata subdivision and amalgamation.
The subdivision process is lengthy, and involves the following steps:
All subdivision applications that affect land in the City of Swan are referred to us by the WAPC for comment and recommended conditions.
Our comments and recommendations will be based on the below standards therefore, it is important your application refers to and adheres to them:
Visit the WAPC website(open in new window) to download relevant forms. Complete these in line with the specifications outlined in step one.
Submit your application(open in new window) to the WAPC via their website.
The WAPC will refer your application to any affected/interested government agencies and utility providers for comment and recommended conditions. This includes the City of Swan. At this time, we will review your submission and make comment.
The WAPC will consider comments and recommendations received when making their decision.
The WAPC will approve or refuse your application.
If your application is approved, it will likely include subdivision conditions. It will also indicate what government agency/utility provider is required to sign off on the fulfilment of each condition.
You will arrange for all the subdivision approval conditions to be fulfilled.
The State Government's residential design codes page(open in new window) will help you understand what is required to fulfill some of the most common conditions imposed on small residential subdivisions. If you have a condition that is not covered in this document, contact us for advice before lodging your Subdivision Clearance Application.
Once all the necessary works are complete, you are required to submit subdivision clearance applications with all organisations that recommended conditions.
Submit your application to us by completing our Subdivision Clearance Application Form.(open in new window)
Submit your Subdivision Clearance Application Form and supporting documents either:
- via email to
- in person or post to City of Swan Administration, 2 Midland Square, Midland, 6056.
If making the application via email, ensure you format the email's subject field as follows:
Request for Subdivision Clearance - Believe Conditions xxx have been met – WAPC Reference - Swan Reference - Estate Name / Stage No. – Property Address
We will send you an invoice once we receive your application. View our schedule of fees(open in new window).
We will approve your application for subdivision clearance once you have met our recommended conditions.
Send all the government agency/utility providers subdivision clearance approvals to the WAPC for final subdivision clearance approval.
Once the WAPC is satisfied that all conditions have been fulfilled, it will endorse the deposited plan.
How do I determine if there is a suitable drainage line for me to connect in to?
Please visit our interactive property map(open in new window) and follow the below steps
- Select the Planning Building Module
- Click on the + next to the Drainage and DBYD Layer
- Tick the box next to the Stormwater Management Layer.
If the interactive property map does not show drainage, but you suspect there is drainage present, please contact the City to discuss.
Why do I have to pay into the drainage fund?
The drainage fund was created for the greater Midland, Guildford, South Guildford and Hazelmere areas as these older residential areas had inadequate drainage infrastructure to support the amount of infill occurring through subdivision and development.
As these areas have a silty clay soil profile, stormwater does not soak into the ground at nearly the same rate as in sandy areas, as such more drainage infrastructure is needed than in a sandy suburb.
The money in this fund is used solely to upgrade drainage infrastructure in the associated area. This usually takes the form of upgrading the road drainage and providing lot connections for properties on these roads.
There is no road drainage in my area, do I still have to pay into the drainage fund?
Yes, we have a long term plan to upgrade all the drainage in the nominated areas.
If there is no road drainage or drainage connection available for your property, it is because the road drainage is yet to be installed or upgraded.
The drainage upgrade works will include picking up any outlets installed in the verge and connecting them to the road drainage.
How do I apply for the release of my crossover bond?
Once you have completed the crossover(s) to relevant standards, please download and fill out the Application for Release of Engineering Bond Form.(open in new window) This can be sent to us either:
- Via email to
- In person or post to City of Swan Administration, 2 Midland Square, Midland, 6056.