Additional rate charges

Included in your annual rates are charges for other necessary community services. Not all of these additional charges apply to all residents. If applicable, you'll see these charges listed as separate items on your annual rate notice. Additional charges may apply to the following services.

The City charges an annual fee for our waste and resource recovery services. The standard service charge includes kerbside collection services (two-bin or three-bin system), pre-booked bulk verge collections or tip passes (depending on eligibility), access to the City's recycling centres, park and street bin collections, removal of illegal dumping and waste education.

A one-off establishment fee is payable for each new additional bin requested unless otherwise specified. 

If you build a new home your annual waste service will be charged pro-rata from the new building effective date.

Establishment fees for the additional bins are fixed and charged in full. 

For more information, please visit the waste and recycling services(open in new window) page.

Breakdown of fees associated with bin services

Waste service charge  Fee (including GST) Payment Method
Waste service charge (two-bin system)  $491 (annual pro-rata) Rate notice
Waste service charge (three-bin system) $491 (annual pro-rate) Rate notice
Waste service charge with upsized general waste bin (three-bin system) $610 (annual pro-rata) Rate notice
Waste service charge with upsized general waste bin and exceptional circumstances (three-bin system) $491 (annual pro-rata) Rate notice

Additional service charges

Additional service charges Fee (including GST) Payment method
Establishment of a new service $75 (establishment) Rate notice
Additional 140L general waste bin (three-bin system) $491 (annual pro-rata) + $75 (establishment) Rate notice
Additional 240L general waste bin (three-bin system) $610 (annual pro-rata) + $75 (establishment) Rate notice
Additional 240L general waste bin (two-bin system) $491 (annual pro-rata) +$75 (establishment) Rate notice
Additional 360L recycling bin  $75 Rate notice
660L recycling bin (businesses only)  $491 (annual pro-rata) Rate notice
An additional pre-booked verge collection (household waste)  $156 Direct through Customer Service
An additional pre-booked verge collection (green waste)  $78 Direct through Customer Service
Event hire - general waste bin  $25 per bin Invoice
Event hire - recycling bin^ Free N/A
Drop off of recyclable material to recycling centres in Malaga and Bullsbrook* Free for City ratepayers N/A

^Please note, a fee of $25 will apply for each contaminated recycling bin. This will be added to your invoice

*See accepted items list.

All property owners in Western Australia are required to contribute to the Fire and Emergency Services Levy (ESL). Local Government collects the ESL on behalf of the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES).

The levy collectively pays for the development and maintenance of Fire Stations, Volunteer Fire Brigades, State Emergency Service units and the Volunteer Emergency Services unit. The ESL is clearly identified on your rates notice.

If you have any queries about the ESL, please contact DFES Head Office on 1300 136 099, or visit their website at in new window).

A security patrol service for The Vines recommenced on July 1, 2019 after community feedback for the service to return. The 2024/25 annual charge is set at $222.70.

For further information, please visit the Safety and rangers page.

The 2024/25 annual swimming pool/spa barrier inspection fee is $54.00.

State Government Legislation requires the City to physically inspect the safety barriers for all private swimming pools and spas to ensure compliance with safety standards.

To ensure we meet this requirement the City arranges and conducts inspections within a specific Inspection Area at least once every three years. The fee charged to property owners is to cover this requirement. If your pool or spa is removed, please advise the City in writing to ensure this charge is cancelled.

For further information on the Licence Inspection process, please contact the City.

Penalty Interest charges may appear on a rate notice if rates are not paid by the due date. This includes any instalment which was not paid by the due date. Eligible pensioners and seniors are exempt.

For more information about interest charges, please visit the Late Payments page.

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