Certain concessions may apply if you're an eligible pensioner/senior, own farmland with a specified purpose, own a residential heritage listed property or if you are eligible for a sporting club concession.
Any credit balances may be refunded on request, please note proof of payment will be required. A fee of $30 will be charged for first refund, and any subsequent refund request during the same financial year will be charged $56.50 fee.
Eligible pensioners and seniors may be entitled to claim a rebate off their Annual Rates, Emergency Services Levy and the Specified Area Rates (if applicable) or defer payment.
To qualify for a rebate or deferment, you must be an owner and occupier of the property on July 1 in the year you're applying for the concession.
The following concessions are available:
- Holders of a Seniors Card(open in new window) are entitled to receive up to a 25% capped rebate on rates (up to the value of $100.00), a 25% rebate on the Emergency Services Levy and up to 25% capped rebate on Specified Area Rates (if applicable).
- Holders of a Seniors Card(open in new window) and a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card(open in new window) are entitled to receive up to a 50% capped rebate on rates (up to the value of $750), a 50% rebate on Emergency Services Levy and up to a 50% capped rebate on Specified Area Rates (if applicable). Deferment of each of these rates and charges may also apply.
- Holders of a Pensioner Concession Card(open in new window) or State Concession Card(open in new window) are entitled to receive up to a 50% capped rebate on rates (up the the value of $750) a 50% rebate on Emergency Services Levy and up to a 50% capped rebate on Specified Area Rates (if applicable). If you receive the full 50% rebate (subject to capped amount), you'll also be eligible to defer your rates, Emergency Services Levy and Specified Area Rates (if applicable) until your property is sold or no longer occupied by yourself. However, if you choose to defer, you will forfeit your 50% rebate.
No penalties apply for deferring your rates. However, all other charges including the Rubbish Service Charge and any applicable Security Service Charge and Pool Inspection Fee are required to be paid in full by June 30 of the current financial year.
Please contact Centrelink(open in new window), Department of Human Services and Department for Communities for more information about these concession cards.
How to Apply for Pensioner or Senior Rebate
You can use either of these options to apply:
- Call the Water Corporation on 1300 659 951 or visit their website(open in new window). Once you have liaised with the Water Corporation, they will contact the City on your behalf. You will receive confirmation from the City.
- Alternatively, you can apply at either the City of Swan Administration Building or any City of Swan library. Please make sure you have your card(s) as a copy will be required to submit with a completed application.
Additional Benefits
- May be eligible to defer (subject to criteria); and
- Eligible Pensioners/Seniors have until June 30 of the current financial year to pay their rates to receive the concession.
- There are no interest penalties
The City of Swan offers a 30 per cent rate concession to applicable properties within the Swan Valley area with a farmland rating category. Before applying for the Swan Valley Farmland Concession, please confirm that you are rated farmland – learn more here.
To apply for the concession, complete the application form below and submit it along with the required documents. Before completing the form, please refer to the Swan Valley Farmland Concession Guidelines for eligibility information.
Rates assessments are required to be paid by the due date, irrespective of whether a concession application has been lodged. Overdue rates and charges will incur penalty interest after the due date. To avoid penalty interest or credit refund and applicable charges, please submit your application before the due date specified on your annual rate notice.
Swan Valley Farmland Concession Guidelines
Swan Valley Farmland Concession Application
A 75 per cent concession of rates applies as a donation to recreational and sporting associations(open in new window) upon application to Council each year. To read about the eligibility requirements and to apply, please refer to the sporting club concession application form and guidelines.
The association’s constitution and current audited financial statements along with a covering letter must be submitted to verify that the association is not conducted for the financial profit of members and accordingly qualifies as a “sporting association” in accordance with section 6.47 of the Local Government Act 1995.
Rates assessments are required to be paid by the due date, irrespective of whether a concession application has been lodged. Overdue rates and charges will incur penalty interest after the due date. Any credit balances may be refunded on request, please note proof of payment will be required. Refund fees will be charged to your rates account.
Sporting Club Concession application
Sporting Club Concession guidelines
The City’s Heritage List currently comprises places of cultural heritage value recorded in the Local Government Inventory 2022. The City welcomes applications for a 50 per cent rate concession for residential rateable properties included in the inventory with a Management Category 1 - Exceptional Significance, or Category 2 - Considerable Significance.
To apply for the concession, complete the application form below and submit it along with the required documents. Before completing the form, please refer to the Residential Heritage Concession Guidelines for eligibility information.
Rates assessments must be paid by the due date, regardless of whether a concession application has been lodged. Overdue rates and charges will incur penalty interest after the due date. Any credit balances may be refunded on request – please note proof of payment will be required. Refund fees will be charged to rates account.
Residential Heritage Concession Guidelines
Residential Heritage Concession Application
The Application for rates exemption form(open in new window) is to be used by organisations seeking exemption from rates, pursuant to the provisions of Section 6.26(2) of the Local Government Act 1995. The application for exemption will be checked based on the information you have provided, and you will be advised of the outcome in due course. Please attach all documents requested in the application, as failure to do so may result in the application being refused.
Rates assessments are required to be paid by the due date, irrespective of whether a rates exemption application has been lodged. Overdue rates and charges will incur penalty interest after the due date. Any credit balances may be refunded on request, please note proof of payment will be required. Refund fees will be on charged to rates account.
The Application for Rates Exemption Form can be submitted via email swan@swan.wa.gov.au or mailed to:
City of Swan
C/-Rates Department
PO BOX 196