I want to volunteer

Volunteering is contribution of time, effort and talent to a need, cause or mission without financial gain. Consider becoming a volunteer and help make a difference in our community.

There’s so much you can do, like:

  • Fundraising, events, marketing
  • Administration or committees
  • Programs and services for vulnerable or disadvantaged people
  • Arts, culture, leisure, sport
  • Animals or the environment.

Learn more about what it means to volunteer in our ‘Welcome to volunteering’ brochure(open in new window) or view these frequently asked questions.

To volunteer in the local area, get in touch with our team at the Swan Volunteer Resource Centre on (08) 9278 9690.

Volunteers working hard

Available volunteering positions

Contribute to the community, browse available positions within the City of Swan and surrounding suburbs

If you’d like to volunteer, why not volunteer with the City of Swan?

Our teams are always looking for volunteers to help with community care, bush fire brigades, at our libraries, our recycling centres, at the SVRC or at one of our exciting events.

We’ll provide; all the training you need, out-of-pocket expenses, and insurance cover. You’ll also have the chance to learn new skills and make new friends along the way.

Examples of City of Swan volunteering roles include:

  • Swan Community Care: Bus drivers, activity assistants, vehicle detailers, office assistants
  • Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade: Firefighter, cadets, communications
  • City of Swan Libraries: Home library service, administration assistance
  • Art and Culture: Gallery attendants, visual art assistant, theatre assistant
  • Community Events: Hyper Youth Festival, resident groups, and more
  • Swan Volunteer Resource Centre, referral officers and social media.

Contact our Coordinator of Volunteers on (08) 9278 9690 for more information.

Individuals can volunteer their time in a wide variety of community organisations. These roles cover many different areas of interest, with varying levels of experience and time frames.

You can even work remotely from home in some cases.

Community volunteer opportunities could include:

  • Fundraising, events, marketing, administration, or committees
  • Services for older people, youth or people living with disabilities
  • Arts, culture, leisure, sport, and recreation
  • Animals or the environment
  • Website design, strategic planning, mentoring, advocacy.

If you’re interested in a role in the wider community, the Swan Volunteer Resource Centre can help you find opportunities in many not-for-profit, community organisations.

Call the Swan Volunteer Resource Centre on (08) 9278 9690 for more information.

The Swan Volunteer Resource Centre is a 'gateway' to all things volunteering.

We provide:

  • A free referral service to enquiring volunteers
  • A free support resource to volunteer involving organisations in the City of Swan.

You can book an appointment in our Midland office to find the right role for you. Appointments are also available with one of our trained Referral Officers in Bullsbrook or Ellenbrook.

Wednesday: 10am - 2pm at Ellenbrook Community Library
Wednesday 10am - 3pm at Beechboro Community Hub(open in new window)
Thursday: 10am - 1pm at Bullsbrook Public Library

Location and contact details

Stafford Court
Unit 23, 8-12 Stafford Street
Midland, 6056


Monday: 10am - 4pm
Tuesday: 10am - 4pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 10am - 4pm
Friday: 10am - 4pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Volunteer digest

A selection of stories from the Summer 2024/25 edition of Volunteer Digest, our quarterly volunteer newsletter.

Maureen’s experience at MercyCare Early Learning Ellenbrook highlights the power volunteering can have on both the volunteer as well as the community.

For Maureen, it’s not just about helping out – it’s about finding fulfilment and a sense of purpose. Volunteering has been one of the most rewarding experiences of her life.

Having always wanted to do some volunteering, Maureen searched online and found the perfect opportunity at MercyCare.

Her role at Mercycare Ellenbrook aligns with her past experiences with children, making her a valuable part of the team.

As an all-rounder, Maureen helps with activities, meals, naptimes, and everything in between. However, her primary role and joy lies in interacting with the children.

Maureen enjoys learning about the children’s interests and actively engaging in their world, bringing out her own inner child.

Maureen expresses how participating in the community and children’s lives is reciprocal – she gains a sense of belonging and purpose as well as confidence.

Maureen’s favourite moments while volunteering is during afternoon tea. Seeing the children get so excited over something as simple as a plate of fruit and cake is heartwarming.

Their genuine happiness and delight are contagious and is satisfying for Maureen to see her efforts making a real difference in their lives.

Maureen’s approach to volunteering reflects her philosophy on life: If you want to do something, then do it. The only barriers are the ones we create ourselves, and the only thing stopping you is yourself.

For Maureen, living in the moment and striving to make each day the best she can motivates her to embrace opportunities and she encourages others to do the same.

Many of us yearn to feel more connected, but where to begin? This can feel particularly hard for residents in the new-build communities in Swan’s urban growth corridor.

Befriend is a community-building organisation sparking connected lives in welcoming communities. Local Swan Community Builders Ally and Carmel have been helping several residents become Volunteer Hosts, establishing new social-interest groups that make it easy for people to develop new connections and become more involved in their community.

Volunteer hosts have now established several new groups that meet up regularly for bushwalking, hula-hooping, board gaming, crafting or simply sharing a cuppa at the local café.

One of the biggest perks of this volunteering role is its flexibility. As a volunteer host, you have the freedom to choose the activity, location and time that works best for you.

Ally, who hosts the Inclusive Creatives group at the Caversham Community Centre has been making homemade greeting cards and bookmarks for over 20 years. Ally said she decided to start the group so that people working on their own craft projects could gather together, rather than crafting solo at home.

“I love coming here, it gets me out of the house, and you get to know people. People bring different ideas. Everyone is welcome,” she said.

For Alice who grew up on a farm in New Zealand, happiness is found in the outdoors.

“I love nature. That’s my passion. You can just stop for a moment, take in the beauty,” she said.

After moving to Brabham, Alice found it difficult to find a group that suited her interests, so she decided to Host a Swan Mindful Walkers Group.

“If there are like-minded people like me who want to venture and explore more of the outdoors, thought we could try that. I love a challenge, and I like to share the experience with others.”

Becoming the host of one of these small local groups creates the opportunity to give the gift of friendship.

Anne-Maree has been co-hosting the Catch-Up at Cav Café coffee group for about six months now and has experienced firsthand just how important the group has been as a source of friendship and support for each other.

“It’s actually really easy because it’s close to home for me, and I enjoy spending time together with a group of nice ladies, setting the world right in our own little way. I’m very grateful to be forming the friendships I’m forming,” she said.

If you’re interested in joining or starting a welcoming local group in your neighbourhood, contact Community Builder Ally via ally@befriend.org.au.

Step into volunteering sessions

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