Health services forms and guidelines

Approval from the City’s Health Services is required for a wide range of activities related to the community's health and safety. To obtain approval you'll need to submit the relevant application form along with any associated fees. 

To lodge an application simply click on the relevant form, fill in your details and submit the application along with the payment of any associated fees.

Lodging a form

In person: City of Swan Administration Centre, 2 Midland Square, Midland

By mail: PO Box 196, Midland WA 6936

By email:

Payment options

Pay in person: Pay via cash, EFTPOS, cheque, money order or credit card at the cashier at City of Swan Administration Centre, 2 Midland Square, Midland between 8am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

Pay by mail: Send a cheque or money order payable to the City of Swan to PO Box 196 Midland WA 6936.

Pay by Credit Card: For Credit Card payments not made in person, please ensure your contact details (mobile/phone/email) are provided on the application form, as you will be contacted by a member of the City’s Customer Experience team to arrange payment once your application has been received. Note: A fee of 0.4% of the transaction value applies to all card payments. 

Please note that payment must be received before your application can be assessed.

Application forms



Business premises

Public buildings and events

Street trading

Licences can only be issued on City owned or controlled land. For trading on private property please contact the City's Statutory Planning unit on 9267 9605.

Racing, gaming and liquor licence

Waste water

For applications for systems servicing single residential properties please use the City's application form below.  For commercial properties, applications for a second system on the property or systems larger than 540l/day please use the Department of Health's application form available from their website(open in new window).


For further information on Health Services approvals and applications, please contact the City on 9267 9267.Home-based food business registration form(open in new window)

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